Why Do I Run?

I am often asked ‘Why do you run?’ or ‘What is it you love about running so much?’. In all honesty I’ve never really given the answers to the these questions much thought…until now that is. So here it is – the complete list of why exactly I run and don’t ever see myself wanting to stop.

  1. Habit
    Someone once told me that fitness isn’t about short-term changes, it is about a complete change of lifestyle. Running is more than a hobby to me – it is a way of life. The more you run, the more you want to run. At the start of every week I don’t just plan what I am going to eat, what activities I am going to do with my children or what chores I need to do, I also plan in when I am going to fit in my runs. This is going to become even more prominent when I start marathon training after Christmas. This habit has become so profound that I get grouchy when I haven’t been able to run because parts of life have got in the way. I am sure there is a proper word for this so please do let me know if you work out what it is.
  2. Balance
    I know it’s a cliché but I like to eat…a lot. Now I’m not saying that I run so that I can afford to eat more, that would be a really unhealthy way of looking at a healthy habit. But I would eat loads even if I didn’t run so much so at least this way I can indulge without feeling guilty. Let’s be honest, we all have enough to feel guilty about without treating ourselves to something naughty every now and again. There is something oddly satisfying about getting to the end of a long run and seeing that you’ve burned 1400 calories knowing full well that you’ve already got a massive roast dinner and pudding lined up for later.
  3. Quality time with me, myself and I
    I’ve got a busy life, young children and job etc. Running gives me the opportunity to get away from it all and just spend some time by myself, getting my thoughts in order. Sometimes it is even nice just to put one foot in front of the other for an hour or so and not have any thoughts at all. Before I started running I honestly thought that taking up exercise just to have some time away from life was pretty extreme but now I’m here and never looking back.
  4. Setting an example
    My husband has taken up running in the last couple of years too and whilst I’m not sure that he shares the same level of passion for the activity as I do it is clear that our children have felt inspired on some level. They have been in the crowd at every single race I have taken part in, watching from the side lines, taking it all in and never once complained about having to stand around for sometimes quite long periods of time. They occasionally run with us at parkrun on Saturday mornings and when they are not running they are marshalling or helping out in some other capacity. Running is as much a part of their lives as it is of ours. Long may it continue.
  5. Friendship
    In my last blog post I talked about my love of parkrun and the friendships I’ve made through our Saturday morning meet ups. I don’t just talk about running to my friends but it certainly takes up a large part of our conversations. As I’ve mentioned before I’ve recently joined my local running club. I’ve made some new friends there too and again these are friendships that I never would have made if it wasn’t for our mutual love of running. It is good to know that I have a ready made bank of running advice for me to draw from whenever I am feeling uncertain of something. These friends are there to pick me up when I’ve had a bad training session or give me a pat on the back when I’ve nailed it.
  6. Therapy
    If you are having a bad day – go for a run, it will clear the black clouds and allow you to think more clearly. You are only one run away from a better mood. If I’m a bit scratchy my husband will often suggest that I go for a run. No further hints required!  But equally if you are having a good day – go for a run just to celebrate life and how awesome you are.
  7. Achievement
    There is nothing better than setting goals then going out and smashing them. I have gone from 5k to 10k to 10 miles to a half marathon and then moving on to a marathon (and beyond!) next year. Life is about doing what you never realised was possible. It is about continuing to move forward even when that little voice in your head is telling you to stop (and has been telling you to stop from about 100m in). Pushing through when all you can feel is pain…everywhere. It is that feeling when you cross the finish line and see your little family waiting to congratulate you at the end of a tough race or getting to the end of your long run knowing that you have added on that little loop that you didn’t think you would manage.
  8. Because I can
    I have a free time and I am healthy. Therefore I can run. I may not be fast and I may not go far but all the while I can run I bloody well will.


3 thoughts on “Why Do I Run?

  1. Why we run is something sometimes hard to answer and hard to explain to others. Sometimes it is the mystery i think that keeps me running.


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